
1.1 HSEC Management Strategy Overview

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HSEC Management Strategy Overview: caring for our health, safety, environment and community.

Milbrae is committed to providing a safe, injury-free, tolerant and inclusive working environment for all people, at all operational sites. To achieve this goal we have implemented a comprehensive Health, Safety, Environment and Community Management Strategy to:

  • Ensure a safe physical environment,

  • Facilitate safe and considerate work practices, and

  • Build a safety culture that extends to employees, contractors and visitors.

Australia has a unique and rich natural landscape. We are proud to be caretakers of the land and strive to minimise the footprint our business leaves on the environment. To that end, we have implemented a multifaceted approach to managing our interaction with the environment, including:

  • Integrated environmental management strategies for all sites,

  • Comprehensive environmental risk management plans, and

  • Programs that regenerate and sustain the flora and fauna of our local region.

Keeping people safe is our priority: when you choose Milbrae as a contract partner you can be sure we are doing all we can to work safely. We also understand that responsible businesses must comply with external regulators. Our safety systems are transparent and available for review. We are pleased to work with you to continually develop our internal systems and together implement a robust strategy for the wellbeing of everyone.

The Milbrae HSEC Management Strategy

The Milbrae HSEC Management Strategy


1.2 Company Overview

Milbrae is a privately owned organisation with over thirty years experience in the quarry and construction industries. Anchored in the Riverina, New South Wales, we have an extensive network of remote sites that enable us to quickly mobilise production teams to service projects throughout the Eastern States.

We specialise in the production and supply of quarry products to meet a variety of standard and custom specifications.

Our experienced teams perform complete services in drilling, blasting, winning, crushing and screening. Our network of fixed and mobile concrete batch plants can meet high volume supply requirements to a range of test standards including B80 mix.

We operate an extensive transport fleet including B Doubles, Quad Axle Floats and Road Trains. We also have a range of heavy plant available for specialist projects.

1.3 Organisational Structure


1.4 Document Review & Integrity

The documentation associated with the Milbrae HSEC Management System will be reviewed in 2021. Additions and corrections will be made in the interim as required. Control documents will be maintained by the Group’s WHSE Coordinator.

Document registers are also maintained by the WHSE Coordinator and are available on request.

Contact the WHSE Coordinator for updates or additional documentation.

1.4.1 Document Structure

The Milbrae HSEC Management System is made up of the following documents:

Document Description
Safety Management Plan Incorporates the standard work, health and safety systems for Milbrae.
Environmental Management Plan Incorporates the standard environmental strategies and systems for Milbrae.
Employee Guide Includes information that the supports employees and explains processes and policies that govern their employment.
Sustainable Communities Program Describes the Company’s engagement with the communities in which we work.
Mine/Site Management Plan Customised work, health and safety information for every operational site.
Policy Describes the overarching principles and aims related to key aspects of HSEC. The Policy also describes the scope, responsibilities and other related documents.
Procedure Describes the step-by-step process for completing activities.
JSEA Job Safety and Environment Analysis combines risk management actions and safe work method statements.
Forms Data collection tools used to respond to safety practices.